High Density LGX fiber patch panels

These MTP fibre optic patch panel 120 LC fiber ports in 1U.

MTP fibre optic patch panel 288 LC fiber ports in 2U .

Ultra High Density 1U 19" MPO - Up to 144 Fibres (straight)

Ultra High Density 1U 19" MPO - Up to 144 Fibres (angled)

UltraSlimline Panel 1U 19“ MPO - Up to 96 Fibres

Active Optical Cables

Direct Attach Cables

Fibretrunk are specialists in high speed and high density pre-terminated fibre optic products & solutions. Our global network has allowed us to partner with leading manufacturers to offer exceptional quality and high performance fibre products

UltraSlimline Panel 1U 19“ MPO - Up to 96 Fibers

Active Optical Cables

Direct Attach Cables

Please contact us on +61 2 8378 9113 to speak with a specialist