Fibretrunk are specialists in high-speed fibre-optic Solutions. We are supported by a global network of leading manufacturers which means we can offer truly exceptional quality combined with high performance.
As the digital landscape evolves, so do the need of our customers. We believe the ability to add technologies and solutions as they come to market is key to forming strong partnerships with our customers, and it's this flexibility that helps us maintain our lasting relationships.
There is no one solution fits all approach - true value can only be defined by our customers. Which is why we offer a solid modular solution, with the ability to add bespoke design and customisations, as defined by you.

Our Purpose

To enhance our customers Success through Market leading Solutions and Capabilities

Our Values


Our People

People are the core to our competitive advantage
People you can trust the calibre and advice from
Strong ethics and values
Deep Industry Expertise

Our Capabilities

Seamless Processes
Deep Industry Expertise
Innovative Solutions

Our Trusted Partners

Our Partners extend our capabilities
Our partners add tremendous value to our offering
Working together as one cohesive ‘single’ organisation
Building a better eco system not a bigger company


Flexible Solutions to adapt to future developments
Recognised Trusted Brands
Partner with Leading OEM with strong R&D
High Volume Manufacturing Capacity

Please contact us on +61 2 7229 0600 to speak with a specialist